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Everything about BPA, CTEPHChronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension CTEPH is short for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, a rare form of high blood pressure in the lungs caused by blood clots or narrowed blood vessels. High blood pressure in the lungs is often also called pulmonary hypertension., my treatment in Japan, and more.
My name is Gregor Rasp, and as a fellow CTEPH patient, I understand the challenges you face.
I’m here to share my experience with CTEPH and how I successfully underwent BPA treatment in Japan. My insights and support can help you navigate your own journey and find the best possible outcome.
I want to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your condition, challenge your doctor, and improve your daily life.
Another intention is to increase clinicians’ understanding of CTEPH and the treatment options available, particularly the remarkable benefits of modern balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) that have emerged in recent years (see resources for healthcare professionals).
Please get in touch if you have comments or questions. Send me a message. I would like to hear from you, and I am happy to share my experience.
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Did BPA Work?
Balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) worked very well for me. Already after four BPA procedures, I felt like a new person with new lungs.
In June 2023, I underwent two additional BPA interventions, bringing the total to six.
All BPA procedures went without clinically significant complications.
A routine follow-up in June 2024 showed that I am cured. No more pulmonary hypertensionPulmonary Hypertension (PH) High pressure in the blood vessels leading from the heart to the lungs is called pulmonary hypertension. The arteries in the lungs and the right side of the heart are affected by pulmonary hypertension. If untreated, the right side of the heart will weaken over time, eventually leading to heart failure and death. The WHO has defined five distinct groups of pulmonary hypertension, each with a different cause. CTEPH is a form of PH (WHO group 4). - References: mayoclinic.org and cdc.gov. BPA has transformed my life back to normal.
My version of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertensionChronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension CTEPH is short for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, a rare form of high blood pressure in the lungs caused by blood clots or narrowed blood vessels. High blood pressure in the lungs is often also called pulmonary hypertension. (CTEPH) was considered inoperable. As such, BPA was my only chance to escape the deadly cycle the disease had trapped me in.
Why Japan?
Why did I choose Japan for my balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) treatment? Japan turned out to be the ideal choice for me.
Balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) is a complex but straightforward intervention. The operator’s level of skill and experience plays a critical role in determining a patient’s outcome. As of now, Japanese surgeons are considered to have the most extensive experience in this field.
It couldn’t have been more perfect!
BPA & CTEPH: Resources for Doctors and Health Professionals
Balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) is a novel yet safe and effective treatment with a fair chance of curing inoperable chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). A wealth of new research on these topics has appeared in recent years. Regrettably, a lot of clinicians are not aware of the potential of this technique. To address this, I have compiled a series of video lectures and a selection of the most recent research.
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Is BPA For You?
As with any medical treatment, results vary by individual, and there are always risks. To determine if balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) is a suitable therapy, you will need to be evaluated at a CTEPH expert center.
Done by an experienced surgeon, the risk of a BPA intervention is very low. However, your risk may increase depending on your general health and other circumstances.
I urge patients with inoperable CTEPH to visit a specialized center and receive BPA treatment as soon as possible. The sooner, the better.
Ask your physician to refer you to the nearest CTEPH expert center for evaluation. Specialized CTEPH centers are still scarce around the world. You may need to travel to another city or country to receive treatment.