I am back! – Well, not quite yet. It will still take some time to swing back fully. But it’s definitely a start and a good one at that. For the first time in years, I pinned on a BIB (competition number) and walked 5 kilometers in a foot race … finishing last!

The 5K course turned out to be a bit short, only 4.77 kilometers, and I completed it in around 60 minutes (see the activity on Strava). Slow but steady.

I believe my heart has recovered slightly since I was released from the hospital four weeks ago. Primarily based on my observations and feelings, there seems to be a significant improvement in cardiac output, notably the stroke volume component. Only a proper test can confirm it in due time. It’s still far too early for testing. Sometime next year.

Surprisingly, I had the stamina to complete the distance. My blood oxygen saturationBlood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) The oxygen saturation (SpO2) of a person's blood is defined as a percentage of the maximum amount (100%) of oxygen it can transport. A healthy person's SpO2 percentage should be between 96% and 99%. - Source: What is oxygen saturation (SpO2)? What is the normal range for SpO2??. Retrieved 11 November 2022, from ihealthlabs.com was holding up nicely, much better than a couple of weeks earlier.

There may have been a brief arrhythmia episode around the 3 km mark. My heart rate monitor (breast strap) showed more than 130 beats per minute (peaking at 151 bpm), while the pulse oximeter reported a normal heart rate for the given intensity (about 110 bpm).

Maybe it had something to do with fatigue.

I felt no weird symptoms, such as an erratic heartbeat, dizziness, or shortness of breath. Just in case, I slowed it down a bit, and after a few minutes, all was back to normal.

Finally, the finish line! Maybe I came in last…

No further weirdness during the remaining meters to the finish line.

My champion wife (5th overall in the women’s 10K) finally joined me, and we walked together.

Greg and his wife smiling.
My champion wife (5th overall in the women’s 10K) finally joined me, and we walked together to the finish.

The Konlhek Minimarathon 2022 was the event, and I walked the 5 km distance. It took place on a chilly Sunday morning in Bangkok, Thailand. The entry fees were fully donated to charity. Six of Thailand’s biggest steel companies sponsored the race.

Am I back? Perhaps! I’m pretty sure I’m on to something.