Author: Gregor

Gregor Rasp (Greg) is an ordinary guy. Greg began researching his disease after being diagnosed with CTEPH and given only a few years to live. He discovered BPA, which sounded very promising and could potentially extend his life. His research indicated that Japan was the best place to be. Soon he found himself on a quest for more oxygen.

I Am Cured: No More CTEPH!

Following six BPA interventions, I am cured. No more CTEPH! My hemodynamic parameters have returned to normal levels, and there are no more signs of pulmonary hypertension.

Two decades of BPA Experience: Happy 20th Anniversary, OMC!

Okayama Medical Center (OMC) celebrates 20 years of expertise in balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) for chronic thrombotic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Thanks to Dr. Matsubara, OMC has become a global leader in CTEPH treatment, offering simple, safe, and effective BPA procedures that have transformed many lives, including the author’s.

One Year On: From Catheters to Trails

A year ago, I was discharged from Okayama Medical Center, Japan, after four rounds of balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) interventions—two more in June of this year. My health and energy levels have greatly improved, allowing me to participate in challenging activities such as running races and hiking on trails again. I can’t believe all the things I’ve been able to do since my BPA treatment. BPA has completely turned my life around. I am living an active and vibrant life again and I am forever grateful to Dr. Matsubara and others for making it a reality.

Post-PE Patient Management: Suggestions by a CTEPH Sufferer

In this post, I outline the necessary measures to care for a patient following a pulmonary embolism. I emphasize the significance of regular check-ups to identify chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) early on. Detecting this condition early can minimize the damage to the heart and greatly enhance the chances of recovery. The suggestions are based on my personal experience as a CTEPH patient and my understanding of the literature.

Heart: Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is a condition in which the muscle of the heart’s right ventricle becomes thicker. If left untreated, it will lead to heart failure and death. PH and CTEPH patients will eventually be confronted with some degree of RVH. It’s in the nature of the beast.

A Surprise Visit from AFib

Have you ever felt a sudden high heart rate and a strange fluttering in your chest? Atrial fibrillation can occur unexpectedly and go away just as quickly. Read my story about one such episode.

A Trail Fantasy

I read an inspirational article about Dag Aabye, an 81-year-old ultramarathoner, one of the oldest in the world. I couldn’t help but dream of becoming the oldest person to start (or finish) a challenging trail race. An intriguing idea! However, there are still some obstacles that need to be addressed. With 16 years left to prepare until I turn 81, who knows? – Here is my fantasy.

Heart: Structure and Function

In patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), the initial problem is in the lungs but quickly affects the heart. Given the heart’s crucial role in our body, everyone needs to understand its structure and how it works. Understanding your heart may also be crucial for survival because a sick heart will not keep you alive for long.