Author: Gregor

Gregor Rasp (Greg) is an ordinary guy. Greg began researching his disease after being diagnosed with CTEPH and given only a few years to live. He discovered BPA, which sounded very promising and could potentially extend his life. His research indicated that Japan was the best place to be. Soon he found himself on a quest for more oxygen.

Never Dull: Greetings From AFib

The life of a CTEPH patient is never dull. We have a new situation, a new sub-challenge. This morning I was told that I have atrial fibrillation (also called AFib, A-fib, or AF) and that treating it is probably a good idea.

Why Japan?

Why did I choose Japan for my balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) treatment? Given the current lack of CTEPH expertise in Thailand, Japan turned out to be the ideal choice for various critical reasons.

A Rare Glimpse Into The Catheter Room

A rare glimpse into the “lung repair” or “tuneup shop,” as I like to call it. It’s actually the catheter room at Okayama Medical Center where the magic truly happens. These pictures were taken during my second BPA procedure.